Monday, November 14, 2011

A Change-Up of Tonight's To-Do List

All of the normal things were on the to-do list for this evening...chores, homework, baths, an episode of Murder She Wrote (our family's current favorite on Netflix), the usual, BUT then I read this post and the to-do list has changed.  We'll be writing a letter and gathering photos for David, our Compassion child in El Salvador.  We've written a few times before and we sent one picture, but can I be gut-wrenchingly honest here?  Sometimes my stupid selfish awful mind thinks "does he really see our exact letter?  does the real David really get our real letters and photos?".  Its not that I think anyone lies about it, but there are just so many children....does our stuff really go straight to him?  I hate that I even THINK that, and I hate that I'm typing it here for the world to see, but that's the raw, real me.  Then I read that post and ended up with tears streaming.  Wow...David does know us, he is waiting for our next letter.  That's what we'll be doing this evening.  Its' coming, David, just hold on.  We're here.  We love you.  We're putting you before chores and homework and baths and even Murder She Wrote.  We are sorry, so very sorry its taken us so long.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The last thing I knew...

...this boy was just a little boy, sitting on my lap, asking me to "sratch (scratch) his bat (back)" while he fell asleep.  Yesterday, he got contacts, and I feel like this seemingly small event is yet another thing making him into a young man.  Its a reminder that we are always dropping pockets as parents.  I love the young man he is becoming, but there are days when I miss that little boy.  Its all a part of the journey, though.